The importance of natural pet foods for pets with allergies

The importance of natural pet foods for pets with allergies

An allergic reaction is often caused by a hypersensitivity to a particular substance. In recent years, we are seeing more and more dogs and cats developing allergies to certain substances, often caused by food. Even if your dog or cat has been fed the same pet food for years, it can build up an allergy to the food in question. In this blog, we explain more about (food) allergy in dogs and share more information about what natural pet foods can do for a dog and its allergy.


The most common allergies in dogs and cats

As with humans, your dog or cat may have different allergies. And unfortunately, some allergies are easier to treat than others. Nevertheless, there are some allergies that are the most common and can often be remedied with a good mix of fresh meat. This does not mean that the veterinarian is unnecessary, but natural pet food can already contribute a lot in treating the allergy.


Flea allergy

The most common allergy is flea allergy and it can often be recognized by red and irritated skin near the paws, belly or back. A flea allergy often develops in the first year of life, but can also develop later in life. To combat a flea allergy, a spray, ointment or pill is often prescribed that (partially) counteracts the reaction.

Of course, in addition to a cure, it is also important that your dog is as healthy and vital as possible so that the body itself is more resistant to flea bites. This is where BARFmenu's fresh meat can contribute. By feeding natural fresh meat for dogs, your pet's body gets all the important nutrients. This helps in strengthening the immune system. We recommend starting with the introductory pack to see what your pet likes best.

Food allergy

Perhaps one of the most difficult allergies to deal with, at least before you found this blog, is a food allergy. Dogs and cats have been hugely over bred over the years and are regularly fed non-natural pet foods. In recent years, this has resulted in various protein, dairy, soy and other types of allergies. It can be recognized by lots of itching, vomiting, thin stools, bad teeth and even a bad temper.

Our experience has taught us that you often have to go back to the core. Dogs and cats are predators by nature and therefore need fresh meat. At BARFmenu you will therefore find a wide range of CDV (Ready-to-eat Fresh Meat) that contributes to a healthy and vital body. We often see that a natural and balanced diet reduces or even eliminates complaints. Highly recommended for testing is the BARFmenu complete package.

What benefits does fresh meat offer to dogs with allergies?

Fresh meat from BARFmenu is 100% complete and natural. For 15 years our recipes have provided all the nutrients dogs and cats need and this ensures a longer and healthier life, but what's in it?

Better stool through natural ingredients

First, all of our fresh meat features a natural balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other natural substances your dog or cat needs. Because all the ingredients in our fresh meat are 100% natural, they are better and more completely absorbed by your pet's body.

Because the meat for dogs and cats is better absorbed by the body, less stool is produced, the smell is less present and the stool is firmer. After eating BARFmenu, almost everything is absorbed by the body, leaving less to defecate. Thin stools and smelly poop is therefore largely a thing of the past. Of course, it is also important that your pet likes the food. Some popular choices are the BARFmenu chicken and the BARFmenu rabbit.

Healthier coat and less (skin) irritation

In addition to better bowel movements, the natural ingredients in our CDV also ensure a radiant and healthy coat and skin. As you have read before, both flea allergy and food allergy can cause a lot of skin and coat irritation. Of course, some of this should be remedied by certain cures, but especially with a food allergy, it is good to look at new types of pet food.

These days, many chemicals and flavor additives are put into pet food that your pet may not be able to tolerate at all. By enriching your dog or cat's diet with natural ingredients such as minerals, vitamins and proteins, you ensure that the skin and coat have enough to strengthen and better defend themselves against allergies. We recommend starting with the BARFmenu deLUXE package to see how your pet reacts to it.

Healthy and strong teeth

Do you also feel that your dog is starting to smell more and more out of his mouth? This is often related to deteriorating teeth and eating ''unhealthy'' pet food. In addition, of course, the skin in the mouth and gums is extra sensitive when your four-legged friend appears to be allergic to the food he is fed. Teeth can rot, cheeks can become irritated and even inflammation can occur. All of this results in pain for your dog and a nasty smell from the mouth.

Now you can choose to brush your dog's teeth, but often this is not always a good idea and is inconvenient. Especially when you consider that it can easily be solved with the right food. Choose BARFmenu Natural or BARFmenu Lamb Premium and ensure healthy and vital teeth.

Prevent pet allergies and choose BARFmenu

We can conclude that preventing or treating an allergy in your dog or cat can often already be done with the help of the right food. Of course, it is always important to go to the vet with extreme cases, but through a balanced diet and the right nutrients the allergy can not only be treated, but even prevented.

Would you like to know more about our product range or have other questions about our dog snacks, dog treats or our other products? Then please get in touch and we will be happy to help you!

*We do not give medical advice*.